Our Story

The idea came from the recognition that to live a really fulfilled and purposeful life, men need access to a few key things: solidarity and brotherhood #tribe, permission to express fully with no fear of judgement #freedom, and lastly, tools to help them get out of their head and into their heart #wisdom.

By meeting these needs, men can have much greater capacity to enrich not just their own lives but also the lives of all who surround them.

And so, it was decided that a 1-day event dedicated to tribe, freedom and wisdom was in order. 

The question though was - Where?
After weighing up a handful of potential candidates, the winner emerged... Herring Island.
A little known peace paradise located just 3km from Melbourne’s city centre - 3.2 hectares of island, brimming with beautiful flora and decorated with environmental sculptures. It was an obvious choice for the inaugural Island of Men.

The 1st Island of Men was a massive success. There were workshops from some of the finest facilitators in Melbourne - workshops on Fatherhood, Movement, Money, Relationships, Fear and Anxiety, Public Speaking, Singing/Sound Therapy, Breathwork... and even Pirate Yoga. 

The men who gathered shared food, shared stories and shared heartfelt experiences throughout the course of the day, and by dusk fall as each departed the island, they left with their heart full and a smile on their face, knowing they had shared a unique experience and formed powerful bonds with their fellow man. After all was said and done with Island of Men #1, the glowing feedback began to pour in, and it fast became apparent that a subsequent event was in order, thus began the process of growing the movement to reach and positively affect as many men as possible. 

Island of Men #2 was hosted just a few months after the first, and was equally as impressive and positively life-altering as its predecessor.

It is evident that men are yearning to be part of a tribe, itching to have more freedom (usually from self imposed limitation) and wanting the wisdom to help them be more of what they want the world to see, therefore we are making it our duty to be there for our brothers and help our fellow man be more of who they are meant to be - by providing the space that is Island of Men.


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