Aaron Sage Qualified Personal Trainer and Health Coach

Aaron Sager  Qualified Personal Trainer and Health Coach 
In today's society, men have been conditioned to be a certain way, to suppress parts of themselves, to put on a mask to hide their true expression and how they want to show up in the world. Join Aaron as he explores how to show up Authetically as men in the world.
About Aaron Sager
Description: is a man seeking truth - a life free from societal and cultural programming. In that journey he aims to assist others on a similar path to freedom.
Aaron has a Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Social Science and is a qualified Personal Trainer and Health Coach. After coming dangerously close to suicide in his teenage years and early twenties, he then became a student of Self Development in both traditional and spiritual forms.
Resonating with non-dual teachings from such people as Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Ramana Maharshi and Zen Buddhism, he now endeavors to live simply from a place of being as authentic and present as possible in every moment – however that appears – and invites others to do so as well.
About Workshop:
The workshop is titled How to Show up Authentically as a Man – more specifically the workshop delves into how to express emotions, communicate needs and be authentically yourself as a man and a person in a day and age where men can be boxed into a set “way of being” (not allowed to cry, not allowed to show anger, not allowed to show vulnerability etc).
There will be a number of group exercises giving the men permission to express themselves uniquely in a safe container where they may never have been able to before, surrounded by supportive and non-judgemental brothers. Additionally, it allows men to reassess where they may be not showing up authentically in the real world and decide how to change that moving forward.
Check out our Events Page for more Info
Lots of Love from the Island 🏝🏝🏝


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