Alex White explores how our feelings are "Superpowers" that support us in life.

Alex White 
We are EXCITED to be Announcing our First of Many Workshop Facilitators for Island of Men #3 on 31st Of March 2019 💥💥
Men can be disconnected from their emotions, not being able to FEEL what's going on in their body. Join Alex as he explores how our feelings are "Superpowers" that support us in life.
About Alex White:
I’ve been around for 40 years and in the last 20 years I have focused on how humans behave… what we want, how we get what we want and how we relate to ourselves and other sentient flesh bags.
I continue to investigate what it means to be me and how to be more open, without the hangovers of “grumpy old man” syndrome or bypassing my shit.
I am a lover, father, mover and maker… yet I am still addicted to Facebook : )
Love to meet you and see where our lives crossover.
About Workshop: KILL, FUCK, DANCE & DIE
“We can not heal, what we can not feel.”
The journey of feeling is different for every human.
Feeling is a superpower and leads to all our decisions, intuitions and joys.
This session introduces some core archetypal energies of being a man and feeling whatever is there to be felt. Becoming strong through being sensitive to your body and what it truly wants.
Side effects may include; greater awareness, enjoying your day more, less frustration, smiling for no reason, calmness, increased attention, great relationships and increased energy levels.
Check out our Events Page for more Info
Lots of Love from the Island 🏝🏝🏝


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