Island of Men #3

Island of Men (IOM) is a 1-day event dedicated to helping good men connect with other good men - as well as themselves.

This event is a unique experience that provides something different for each individual.

For some men, it is a welcome reprieve from the pressures of life, a lifting of the weight of expectation that has been placed on them by work, family and society.

For others, it is a place to realise and release limiting stories, unhealthy relationships & behaviours that no longer serve.

And for the majority of the IOM attendees, it is just a place to feel at home with other blokes who want to learn, grow and be happy.

This is a day built on radical self reliance, a commitment to owning our own stuff and taking steps to create positive changes where neccessary. It's also a day of complete community, a knowing that life can be so much better when we are there for one another.

IOM will be host to an array of talented facilitators running workshops throughout the day, focussed on mission, communication, movement, fatherhood, purpose, expression, appreciation, self-love, inner child work... and more.

The workshops will be delivered by talented facilitators including Alex White, Arion Light, Luke Wallace, Adam Weaver, George Weis, Andrew Pearce, Jamie Close, Nathan Meola, Roman Zakirov, Domenic Moore + more TBA

The IOM experience can be a somewhat difficult to describe, so rather than trying to hammer a point home, have a read of what past attendees have said about their Island experience.

"What a day! A fantastic experience to be surrounded by so many amazing hu-men. The workshops were great, the love felt by all, the power of the Sacred Heart circle. This is a much needed facility in a time where I, as a man, realise it's on me to create the change I want for myself and my surroundings. And to spread that change to all men around me. A powerful tool to claim back our masculinity."

"What an amazing day. Very full and heavy heart by the end, in a very good way !"

"Truly powerful and inspirational work behind the guys that brought this beatiful space together. What a Honour it was to be apart of this event !! Absolute must for Men - Please do more."

"A great day organised by great people, I went in hungover and came out inspired!"

Look, if you are considering coming to IOM at this point... just do it... you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Grab yourself a ticket - and if you want to do something nice for a man, friend or family member, if you want to strengthen a bond you have with a best mate, or a brother, bring them along. You'll both be thankful for it.

What else do you need to know?

*The event is at Herring Island Richmond VIC 3121 (Melways Ref. 2M C3).

When is it?

Sunday, March 31st, 8.30am - 7pm.

***There will be updates and instructions on the IOM Facebook page ( leading up to the event so make sure you like the page to ensure you are receiving updates.

We encourage all attendees to bring a platter of food for the big communal lunch where we feast and be merry as a tribe of hungry men does.

Looking forward to seeing you at Island of Men.


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